Head (Computer Repair Man), wire and found objects, 2010
Along with no doubt many others, I have been deselected from the Axis National Register of Artist:
Axis Directory Review
'As we communicated to you in our email of 2 December 2011, we have recently carried out a review of all artists who joined Axis before the introduction of selection criteria in 2005. I regret to tell you that your work did not meet our assessment criteria. Since it was first established 20 years ago, Axis has evolved to reflect new ways of thinking about and making art. The assessment process has therefore favoured work whose subject and approach accord with our remit for showcasing new developments in artistic practice.'
Axis says it has a remit for promoting art that is contemporary in more than the strictly literal sense of the term. "We showcase work that reflects new ways of thinking about and making art. We also present work that re-visits and revitalises familiar conventions."
In answer to the question whether Axis still represents traditional subject-matter as the human figure, it's response is "traditional subjects remain a significant presence in the directory, but in assessing artist's profiles Axis has looked for evidence of formal innovation and a distinctive approach to the subject."